Posts tagged mindfulness
The benefits of yoga for mental health

We always just feel better when leaving the yoga studio. But why is this? How can spending time on the mat help us feel less stressed and instil a sense of calm and joy?

For those of us who practise yoga, we know that as we move through each asana, we shift from feeling stressed and into a more relaxed flow, a more relaxed way of being.

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Grass, sand and trees - the best medicine for stress and anxiety?

We all know intuitively that getting out in nature is good for us. After some fresh air in a park, a day at the beach or time in the bush, you just feel better.

But until recently, substantial scientific evidence to back up anecdotal claims and old wives tales, were few and far between.

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Morning rituals to cultivate calm

The way you start your day can set your nervous system up for stress or calm. 

If you engage in activities that promote the parasympathetic strand of your nervous system (rest and digest) in the morning, the more likely we are to stave off unnecessarily triggering our fight or flight response throughout the day.

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