Posts tagged yoga
The benefits of yoga for mental health

We always just feel better when leaving the yoga studio. But why is this? How can spending time on the mat help us feel less stressed and instil a sense of calm and joy?

For those of us who practise yoga, we know that as we move through each asana, we shift from feeling stressed and into a more relaxed flow, a more relaxed way of being.

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Using movement to optimise mental wellness

In a world of constant stimulation, many of us have lost touch with how we feel and have a distant relationship with our body and it’s wisdom.

But movement teacher Claire Eli is on a mission to use her craft to help us “slow down, breathe and explore the relationship between our body, mind and spirit”. We chatted to Claire about the power of movement to help us day to day with unwanted emotions and her personal experience with using movement to bring her back from trauma and burnout.

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