Make Sleep your Superpower

Join us for this 60 min, interactive, science-based workshop to biohack your way to the perfect sleep for just $49.

Over half of Kiwis say they wake up without feeling refreshed. Staggeringly, insomnia costs NZ businesses $40 million a year in lost productivity! Sleep is vital for our physical, mental and emotional health, yet many of us simply don't get enough hours. Learn science-based tips to unlock your body's natural ability to sleep soundly so you can boost energy, improve focus, and your physical health, feel happier and dramatically improve virtually every function of your body and mind.  

In this workshop we:

  • Explore the negative effects of sleep deprivation and the positive benefits of enough quality and quantity sleep

  •  Bust common sleep myths with science  

  • Take a test to discover your own genetically determined sleep chronotype to inform when to wake up go to sleep and plan for what time of day to do your most important work to maximise your brain power

  • Understand what good quality and quantity sleep is characterised by 

  • Learn the perfect conditions our bodies need to enjoy proper sleep with science-backed sleep hygiene   


Rewiring for Resilience

About this course:

Do you get easily stressed, anxious and overwhelmed? You might have tried many wellness techniques but nothing has really worked to get you that lasting shift you need to feel calm, balanced and resilient.

Rest assured you are not alone. Anxiety and stress affect ¼ people in New Zealand and data shows that we are more stressed and feeling less resilient than ever. We'll look at why this is as we explore the science of stress in the context of 21st Century living, the pandemic and the current climate of constant change and uncertainty. And most importantly, what we can do about it.

Join us for this engaging, interactive workshop, where we’ll unpack how Neuroscience tells us many of us are unknowingly and unfortunately wiring our brains for patterns of chronic stress and anxiety. More importantly, we'll explore why stress itself is not the problem and what we can instead shift our focus to, to rewire our own brains for calm and resilience. All with a self-led wellbeing practice that only takes a few minutes a day.

This workshop is for you’ve experienced one or more of these symptoms, commonly linked to chronic stress:

  • Exhausted with life, lost your spark

  • Trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep

  • Feel either wired or tired

  • Overwhelmed, out of control like you can’t cope

  • Anxious, edgy

  • Frustrated, irritable or snappy

  • Find yourself overcommitting to people and things or people pleasing but can’t seem to stop

  • Easily stressed by the little things in life

  • Racing mind one minute and can’t think clearly the next

  • Feel a constant sense of rushing and can’t relax

  • Headaches, muscle aches, grinding teeth and jaw

  • Body aches and pains or constantly sick

  • Bloating and other digestive issues

The challenge with modern life…

Our body has a way of sending us warning signals when something isn’t working and we need to change it or slow down. 

Life is full of beauty and promise, but the busyness of modern life with our constant digital connectedness, family, community and work demands, endless to do lists and the pressure we put on ourselves, is taking its toll.

Stress, worry, anxiety, overwhelm, guilt and worry zap our energy and vitality.

The good news…

But the good news is chronic stress and anxiety, as well as the exhaustion that go with them, are easily changeable. The adverse effects of years of stress can be reversed in a very short time when the right techniques and attention are applied.

Mind Bright’s workshops use proven, science based strategies to educate, empower and motivate you for positive, lasting change.

BONUS: Free downloadable PDF course worksheet and evidence-based tool kit of fast, effective relaxation techniues to rewire your brain in just a few minutes a day.

In this workshop we: 

  • Explore the fascinating science of stress + the mind-body connection

  • Identify your own personal triggers for your stress and the relaxation response

  • Discover why stress is not the problem and how we can shift our focus to the relaxation response to rewire our brain

  • Look at the well-proven mental, emotional and physical benefits of cultivating a daily, self-led wellbeing practice

  • Review a toolkit of simple, fast, science-based relaxation tools for busy people to switch on the relaxation response and switch off the stress 

Here are just some of the immediate outcomes possibe when you attend this short workshop:

  • A sense of control, empowerment and optimism with this new found knowledge

  • An immediate, positive shift in your nervous system

  • Able to self-treat nervous system - become your own practitioner + coach

  • A chance to hit the ‘reset’ button on life

And when you practice the tools:

  • Enhanced/more conscious relationships

  • Feel calmer more centred and more in control

  • Reduced stress, anxiety and low mood

  • Increased focus, productivity, creative thinking, problem solving

  • More energy

  • Less aches, pains and illness

  • Better quality and quantity sleep

  • Improved digestion

  • Enhanced immue functioning