Cultivating a gratitude practice: one of the easiest ways to welcome happiness

Meet Ange. Certified Health Coach, speaker, writer, Mum of two girls and founder of the Gratitude Project. Ange has coached hundreds of women and inspired thousands through her blog, to adopt a gratitude practice and live their best life.  Fiercely passionate about encouraging self-love, Ange is the cheerleader for living an authentic and aligned life, and openly shares her struggles beyond the filter in her quest to help others. We sat down to chat to the open-hearted Soul-preneur about how cultivating a daily gratitude practice can help you find happiness.

How do you think gratitude helps improve our mental well-being?

On so many levels! I know for myself that I am in much higher spirits, even when everything around me feels hard, when I’m showing up and honouring my gratitude practice. I feel more positive, light, and like I can tackle whatever life throws at me.

Funnily enough, my  journey with gratitude was what led to me eventually starting a business. More on that below!

Why do you think we have to make a conscious effort to be grateful?

Life is so fast and busy that sometimes taking a breathe, slowing down and giving gratitude stops being our norm. It’s also sometimes easier to just roll with life (and sometimes be thrown about - haha) rather than being proactive and staying committed to our well-being.

Most things that serve us - like a gratitude practice, silent walks on the beach, early nights, healthy food, meditation - all take some level of intentionality! And that’s OK! I know for me that when I do respect this practices I’m much happier, I’m a calmer Mum and a better business woman!

What was the catalyst for starting your own gratitude practice?

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Long story short - I was in the car one day when Bo was only a few months old, driving to see the chiropractor because she had some problems with her neck. She was in the back of the car screaming (she hated the car!) and I could feel my stress levels rising. I kept pulling the car over and getting out to try and soothe her, but nothing helped. I felt frustrated as anything and all I wanted to do was cry. In that moment, it felt like too much (plus, as a new Mum I was seriously sleep deprived!) But I had this moment as I was getting her out of the car where I realised that some people would give anything to be in my situation. I had a beautiful baby girl and I was in the car taking her to see a health care practitioner that I could easily afford. Who on earth was I not to feel so incredibly blessed in that moment? So I made a decision there and then to stop choosing to focus on the discomfort and start focusing solely on gratitude. It changed everything for me. I became more present and happier within a week and over the long run I started to see big changes in my health, relationships and life. I realised that this was something that needed to be shared and taught because it was so transformational!

This experience really was a life-changing-game-changer for me and was the reason why I started my business The Gratitude Project!

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What changes did you notice once you started expressing gratitude regularly?

I saw the world in a whole different light. I stopped seeing problems, and started seeing solutions. Stopped complaining and started feeling an overwhelming sense of awe for all my privilege. Stopped being so ‘in my head’ and started spending more time in my heart. Everything changed - all because of one little practice done consistently!

Any words of advice on how to practice gratitude and make it a daily ritual?

I love practicing gratitude as soon as I wake of a morning. It doesn’t happen every morning (because, young kids!) but as often I can I try to let three things I’m grateful for come to mind as soon as I open my eyes. Sometimes they’re really small things, like the sunlight streaming through my window and the sound of the birds outside. Other times, they’re much bigger.

I think anything becomes a (near) effortless part of our daily life when we see the positive impact it has on us. I suggest that people commit to doing a daily gratitude practice for one month and then checking in with themselves after that to see how it has impacted their life (plus, it literally only takes a minute!) Getting your partner or a friend on board can help keep you committed too! I often find that after one month people really begin to see a shift in their mindset and mood and want to continue!

What is making your gratitude list today?

So many things!

The fact that my business allows me to see so much of Australia, my beautiful kids who make me laugh each and every day and the fact that I have access to delicious and fresh food. I am one lucky gal!

For daily inspiration follow Ange on instagram or check out her blog on all things self, health and delicious, nutritious recipes here.