Help your mind manifest less stress
Sunniva Holt
Selfmade Multi-Millionaire, International Mindset Coach , 2x No.1 Best Selling Author and one incredibly heart-centred and purposeful woman - we could all learn a thing our two from Sunniva Holt.
Sunniva helps women find their purpose and create a life they’ve always dreamed of. With stress and anxiety affecting us now more than ever, we asked the world renowned coach how mastering our mindset can be the key to stopping uneccessary stress.
You work a lot with women in the personal development space - what do you see as the most common issue holding women back from living a calm, happy, balanced life?
I would say the No.1 thing is that they don't back themselves enough, and they don't prioritise themselves.
Research tells us we are more stressed than ever, what part do you think our mindset can play in creating unnecessary stress?
It plays a huge part - mindset changes everything! Which is why it is such a big part of the work I teach. I believe this, as well as learning to tune in and trust your intuition, are the absolute game-changers in life
If you could recommend just one habit or practical tip for someone to start moulding a healthier mindset, what would it be?
To say NO to everything that is not in your highest alignment. And say it with a full stop at the end! We often feel like we have to explain ourselves when we say no to things, and we don't. It actually has a negative effect in that it often sounds like an excuse, and it also gives the other person something to negotiate with because they think they're helping you - when really you just don't want to do that thing.
Can you recall a time in your life when you realised your mindset was causing or adding to your stress? How did you pull yourself out of it?
Yes absolutely. I had a bit of a martyrs mindset after I had my daughter, and was putting everyone else's needs before my own. I realised (eventually!) was shooting myself in the foot and made the conscious decision 1. To always put myself first and 2. Not ever feel guilty about it.
What’s one area you currently working on improving in your life?
Showing up! I'm a total introvert and have shied away from being in the public eye in the past, now I'm choosing to say yes to all the things that I was so afraid of before, public speaking, being on television, doing interviews, media, FB Lives. I had to remember its not about me, it's about the message I'm here to share. And the more I do it, of course, the more my self-belief and confidence grows with it.
Any parting advice for how to welcome in healthy, happy, mindful living?
BE HERE NOW. It's what I often remind myself. Nothing matters except truly being present with what is, worrying about the past or the future doesn't get us anywhere.
Sunniva is hosting an intimate brunch for women to wrap up 2018 in a powerful way, get clarity & focus and set soul aligned goals for 2019! Get your tickets here. For inspiration and to learn more about Sunniva and her coaching offerings, go her website or follow her on instagram.