Top 5 natural products to stop stress

Most of us will suffer periods of stress or anxiety at some stage in our lives. And for many of us, the pace and pressure of modern life mean it’s a reality we live with daily.  

Whilst no single product or treatment is going to offer a complete cure, there are some great, scientifically proven products out there which can support your body’s fight or flight response and calm your nervous system to help you feel more calm and in control.

Here are my top five natural products for mild to moderate stress and anxiety.


Our body is a complex ecosystem that relies on a balance of nutrients to ensure everything functions as it should. Magnesium used to be an abundant mineral found in numerous foods. But over time, food processing practices have lowered magnesium levels in our foods, causing many of us to magnesium deficient.

Studies have found that not only can a magnesium deficiency lead to anxiety, but also, during periods of extreme stress, magnesium is more readily used by the body.  So, by taking a good magnesium product, you will be covering your bases ensuring you don’t have a deficiency and also ensuring your body has enough reserves to cope in times of extreme pressure.

Magnesium is also great for any supporting sleep issues and muscle tension, both which usually go hand in hand with stress.

Recommended product:
I like Bioceuticals Ultra Muscleze. It’s an extremely high-quality powder (I mix with water), which the body absorbs more readily than capsules.



As with magnesium, a Vitamin B deficiency is common these days, thanks to our diets and the nutrient levels in our foods. Vitamins and micro nutrients play a significant biochemical role in maintaining the brain’s structure and cognitive processes.

Vitamin B plays an important role in the production and action of happy neurotransmitters such as serotonin, in supporting adrenal functioning and supporting healthy functioning of the nervous system during times of stress.

Product Recommendation
Blackmore's Executive B Stress Formula is affordable and packed full of vitamins, minerals, and herbs, including passionflower, which is traditionally used to relieve nervous tension.


You may be familiar with one of the most popular Bach Flower products – Rescue Remedy. A mix of five flower essences, it works by calming our body’s fight or flight response and offers a great natural option for emotional balance and fast relief from feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.

Rescue Remedy has been used since the 1930s, but until recently had no scientific backing. A scientific study has suggested that Rescue Remedy, an all-natural remedy created from flower essences, has an effect comparable to traditional pharmaceutical drugs yet without any of the known adverse side effects.

Product Recommendation:
Rescue Remedy is a tried and tested favourite.  It comes in spray or drops form and can easily be kept in your bag or car for emergencies.



Essential oils have been around for centuries and used by many cultures from China, to India to Southern Europe. Extracted from flowers, leaves, bark or roots of plants, essential oils are natural and proven to provide relief for a variety of ailments, including anxiety and stress.

The oils help reprogram the body's stress response on a chemical level. The most popular way to use these oils is aromatically. When the scent of an essential oil is inhaled (from the bottle or a diffuser), molecules enter the nasal cavities and stimulate a firing of mental response in the limbic system of the brain. These stimulants regulate stress or calming responses, such as heart rate, breathing patterns, production of hormones and blood pressure.  

Popular oils to help with stress and anxiety include lavender, bergamot, rose, chamomile, wild orange, rose, and frankincense.

Product Recommendation:
I love the DoTERRA range and specifically their “Balance” blend for stress. Make sure your oils are pure, meaning not diluted with chemicals or additives.  If you are applying oils direct to your skin, dilute them with a carrier oil.



Herbal teas have also been used for centuries to aid relaxation thanks to their calming effect on the nervous system. The bio-active components work with the with the body to reduce the stress response and as a bonus, the ritual of drinking tea is usually a calming practice in itself.

Varietals commonly used for stress and anxiety include passion flower, chamomile, rose and green tea.  

Teas make them the perfect alternative to popular caffeinated drinks like coffee, which help our body produce more adrenaline which can leave us feeling edgy and actually dehydrate us.

Product Recommendation: 
I like the Artemis Rest and Relax Tea, you’ll need a strainer or a teapot to brew the leaves and make sure you let it steep for 5-10 minutes for the full effect.